"Marilyn Saw your FB Live. Very cool. But you didn't mention my MULTIPLE 6 Figure income increase from your Huna intention and my biz investment!! ;)" Dave, Entrepreneur, London

That was the feedback from a client at the start of the afternoon Online Session on my 1-Day Money Breakthrough Workshop. I had done a Facebook live as per the video below however I didn't mention his "MULTIPLE 6 figure income increase."
If you prefer to watch and listen rather than read the video explanation about this amazing turn of events is below.
I did a #FacebookLive during the lunch break sharing how much his experience with money had shifted since completing the Online 10-Part Raising Your Money Vibration Series 4 weeks ago.
During the morning Session we were working on uncovering old money beliefs and exploring the relationship and dynamic with money. At one point I wondered if Dave was on the same page as us because people while sharing answers such as
"It's there but it's hard to get."
"F$%&*ing hell, where's mine!"
"It's rarely ever there when I need it."
"Jesus, I have to work, werk, werk, werk, werk, for it."
"I am always robbing Peter to pay Paul."
"Christ! Is there anything positive I believe about money?????"
Meanwhile, Dave was saying
"I am a magnet for money :)
Love it - Marilyn :)"
We were also talking about the energy of money and the relationship with it. Everyone else was saying:
"Tiresome." "Stressful." Money said: "You're a nag and a jailer." The response to that was: "If you were around more I wouldn't have to chase you! It's your own fault for f*&%$ing off every 5 minutes!"
Money Vibration Graduate Parallel Universe
Meanwhile, in a wonderful parallel #RaisingYourMoneyVibration Graduate parallel universe Dave was saying in response to the same Exercises:
"Energy of Money - POWER!"
"Money Relationship - I love you!!"
"Such a shift. I was sitting here and I couldn't think of any BAD phrases for money."
I asked if I could share his responses. Dave said:
"Yeah - cool with that. Share away. The more who get this the better. Together we can change the world for the better!!!"
What a difference a few months makes.
The 10-Part Raising Your Money Vibration Program ran during this Summer. The final live Session was on Friday 27th September. I ran the 1-Day Money Breakthrough Online Workshop on Saturday 26th October.
That is so freakin' awesome. The Part 2 video about his 6-figure increase and the Huna energy charge and booste is at the end of this Blog.
Money Breakthrough Exercises
During the 1-Day Video Webinar Workshop we covered over 30 different Exercises; 34 to be exact + the Coaching based upon questions from the global virtual audience. A few Exercises from the day to get you started are below.
The Money Review
Start with this to benchmark where you are with how you feel about money right now.

Money Beliefs
Next we explored the beliefs which sit beneath how you currently feel about money. Do the writing first, then create the 2 columns and re-write what you have written.

Money Genealogy
This is always a fascinating one to explore.

I shared with the Group about a client who during a Timeline Therapy Session to explore their past discovered a genealogical timeline where 2 generations had money and the 3rd generation lost it all. This went back to the time of the "Country Pile"; aka having a massive country estate with land.

Turns out that was true. They were the 3rd generation in their immediate family. Their whole investment portfolio was lost due to a cheating business partner. Like I said, fascinating.
The Power of Working Online
Since I started rolling out my new Online Video Webinar Workshops and Training Courses people have asked whether everything works the same online.
Aside from you not having to travel, and pay for hotel accommodation, and not having to buy lunch, and pay for petrol or parking, or giving everyone a hug as you arrive, the content and dynamic energy experience is the same.
Below is a testimonial from one of my clients who has attended a lot of my in-person Workshops. She shares her experience of attending the 10-Part Raising Your Money Vibration Online Coaching Program.

For those trying to read this on a small device Winnie said:
"I usually prefer classroom in person but this has really exceeded my expectations and I have no hesitation in recommending this programme."
The MULTIPLE 6 Figure Huna Magic
Below is what Dave was referring to with Huna-ing the Program before we got started.

New income streams opening up upon signing up:

New business opportunities and the courage to ask appearing after signing up:

The cool thing was the Program hadn't even officially started yet, all I had done was Huna the Program and set the Energetic Intention for those signing up. The TranceFormation started for them as soon as they made the decision to sign up and join us.
Revenue Up by 300%
This is one of the clients who first took part in my 28-Day Money Breakthrough eCoaching Program and my Money Breakthrough Session:

The 300% seems to be a 'thing' because it's the same number one of my 1-Day Breakthrough Session clients David Key reported when we worked together several years ago:
For further testimonials (however not nearly enough because I've got a MS Word Documents which run to several thousand pages of testimonials) go to: https://tranceformationstm.com/testimonials.html
More About the Power of Huna
How Clients Have Described Marilyn Devonish's Workshops
Start Your Own Money Breakthrough
There are 3 Options for taking part, all of which are available globally online. With the Video Webinar Programs you can get started as soon as today.

Your Options
Get started with the 28-Day eCoaching Program: http://bit.ly/moneytm
Sign up for the 10-Part On-Demand Raising Your Money Vibration Video Webinar Series: https://moneyvibration.eventbrite.com
Take the On-Demand 1-Day Money Breakthrough Video Webinar Workshop: https://www.bigmarker.com/tranceformations-tm/1-Day-Money-Breakthrough-Workshop-Part-1
If you are reading this in October I have just set up a special offer because I hadn't done my usual Breakthrough offer to mark my 19 year Anniversary; I haven't got the capacity this year to do it an anything other than full price. Because however these Money Sessions are virtual breakthroughs in a box I have put something special together for you. Go to: https://app.involve.me/tranceformationstm/october-offer-money-breakthrough The offers expire at midnight on 31st October.
Online Workshops and Blended Learning Virtual Sessions
For an overview of both available and forthcoming Online Personal Development Workshops, Training Courses, and Events go to: http://bit.ly/marilynwebinarseries
The Online Corporate Training Courses will be on a different website.
For an A-Z of Current Services go to: http://bitly.com/azservices
Not Sure About Your Next Steps?
You can book a free 20-minute Skype Consultation at: https://bookme.name/marilyndevonish
You can also take my free Online Quiz: https://app.involve.me/tranceformationstm/which-therapy-is-right-for-you
The Part 2 Video with Dave's Updates
Contact Information
Email: marilyn@tranceformationstm.com
Main Website: https://www.tranceformationstm.com
Blog: https://marilyndevonish.com
You can also use the Contact Form below.