Want to have your own online store at the Virtual Marketplace Event? I'm looking to run an online store day, where vendors and businesses from around...
Many discovered during the pandemic that remote working and working from home is more than just being at home at working. There are practical consider...
Price Increase Notification. I had a scary virtual punch in the gut and wake up call. I kept my composure during the 80+ times it happened, relentless...
"Wow! This is a simple yet incredibly powerful and liberating skill to have that transforms and skyrockets the ability to absorb and recall informati...
Special Online eLearning Offer. I delivered a Lunchtime Session, and an evening Keynote PhotoReading Presentation for the Royal Bank of Scotland in Lo...
People have been asking for years if I can lower the price of the 3-Day Online PhotoReading Video Webinar Certification Class. Until this week, the a...
I knew this 20 years ago. I never in a million years imagined the world would come to this. Those who are rushing to vilify cash and act as though i...
Whether it’s homeschooling, corporate training, or personal development, this is NOT like a regular Zoom class. I’ve seen parents saying their kids ar...
I have created my first product bundle this week, with coming out of lockdown, Covid19, homeschooling, and working from home in mind. With the launch...
We expect Boris Johnson to announce this weekend the recommendation for: "Increased home working" after lockdown and self isolation are eased. If yo...