I am launching a new Online Video Webinar Training Series which will roll out during 2019.

There 22 Workshops under initial consideration which in no particular order include:
- Huna and Access Consciousness
- Effective Goal and Intention Setting (maybe a good for Dec/Jan)
- Health TranceFormation
- Ignite Your Brilliance
- Intuition Supercharger
- Living a Magical Life (Workshop version of the Magic & Gratitude Program)
- Banish Procrastination
- Synchronicity Supercharger
- Presenting with Confidence
- Limitless NeuroSuccess
- Healing Heartbreak
- Decoding Your Life Script
- The Art of Happiness
- Membership Group Experiential Day (a day for non-members to experience the 7 Themes)
- Chakra DeclutteringÂ
- Accessing Universal WisdomÂ
- Money Breakthrough (Workshop version of the eCoaching Program)
- Understanding Your Archetypal Journey
I might even put it to the vote for those who purchase the initial packages in terms of which I run first.
How Long Are the Workshops?
For those which I have previous run as 1-Day Workshops (which is pretty much all of them) they will be run as 2 x 4.5 hour blocks. We will have a lunch break in between and a morning and afternoon coffee break.
Unless it happens to be a completely international audience they will run during the day in the United Kingdom/London/GMT time zone.
How Do You Take Part?
I will be using my Online Video Webinar platform. There is no software to download. You click a link and enter the Course Code.
You can find out more about the Webinar platform HERE
Below is what to expect when you login, minus the Host Control Panel. You will be able to view the PowerPoint slides on the main screen and video presentation either top right or underneath the slides if you are viewing on a mobile phone:

How Do the Online Package Bookings Work?
Once you have booked a package you can chose which of the Workshops you attend or have access to via the Replay Recordings throughout the year. Although they will be priced differently when sold individually you will be able to attend the 4 or 8 of your choice regardless of price.
If you are going for the full out Combo it will include all of the personal development Webinar Workshops I run between October 2018 and December 2019. It does not include the Corporate and Business Portfolio Workshops which will be launched separately.
Those booking a Package will have access to the Replay Recordings because the likelihood of us all being available on the same days throughout the year are probably slim.
You will find details of the packages here: https://app.eventsframe.com/e/rcd6Wj5CM/the-marilyn-devonish-online-series/
Which eCoaching Programs Are Included in the Free Bonus and Discount Offer?
You have the choice of the following eCoaching Programs:
- The 28-Day Magic & Gratitude eCoaching Program
- The 28-Day Money Breakthrough Program
- The 28-Day Synchronicity Supercharger eCoaching Program
- The Science of Getting Rich mp3 Audio Program
- The 28-Day Limitless NeuroSuccess eCoaching Program
Select your ticket option by entering the number of Packages required (1 unless you are also purchasing a gift for someone else) and it will automatically reduce the list price to zero or 50% off.
What is the Impact of Online Training?
In terms of how the Online Video Webinar Trainings work in practice I wrote a Blog about the Online PhotoReading Training and the same principles apply. You can read it here: http://marilyndevonish.com/what-can-you-expect-from-the-global-online-photoreading-training/
The Business and Corporate Training Portfolio
This offer is for the Personal Development Series. The Business and Corporate Portfolio Online Training Courses and Workshops are excluded from this deal.

If you are looking to book bespoke or off the shelf in-person or Online Live Webinar Training Courses email Marilyn Devonish at: marilyn@tranceformationsTM.com or use the Contact Form below. I have a number of innovative ideas for TranceForming the corporate training and Executive Coaching experience so do get in touch.
Previous Client and eNewsletter Pre-launch Discounts
If you are on my pre-notification list or an eNewsletter subscriber please apply the discount codes before checking out. It is 15% off for the pre-notification list and 5% off for eNewsletter subscribers. It is also 25% off for Lifetime Members and 20% off for Annual and Monthly Members during the pre-launch week.
For further information or to add your favourite Course to the list use the Contact Form below: