Turning Up at the Airport Without a Suitcase - It Was All a Leap of Faith

Business Workshops and Events PhotoReading Accelerated Learning Productivity Blog Uncategorized 2 min read

Has anything in your life ever been so last minute yet you just felt with every fibre of your being you had to be there, even if it meant a transatlantic trip with just a few days notice, and taking a leap of faith with something that sounded way too good to be true?

You know it could go either way, and be the biggest mistake of your life, or one of the best things you ever did.

That was how my PhotoReading Instructor journey started in March 2002.

Today, February 2020 and 18 years on, I received the annual email which always makes me smile. It simply said: "You are recertified for 2020."

Yessss! That's what I want to hear, particularly as March 2020 marks my 18 year anniversary of becoming a PhotoReading Instructor.

Talk about last minute however, I only phoned Learning Strategies to vaguely enquire as to whether they had a training program, 20 minutes later I'm tentatively agreeing to jump on a plane the following week because they were running a sold out class however someone had dropped out just before I called and the course materials were going to print the following day.

Did you pack this suitcase yourself?

It was that short notice that my friend dropped me off at the airport with a car full of black bags, and I purchased a suitcase at the airport! I then proceeded to get on my hands and knees to pack it.

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Photographer: Anete Lūsiņa | Source: Unsplash

At airport security they asked if I had packed the suitcase myself. I pointed to the CCTV camera and said all the proof they need of that is right there!

Although it seemed like a crazy thing to do, it was one of THE BEST and most impactful decisions of my entire life.

Confidence Building and Life Changing

#WOW Talk about brain, confidence and life changing, and not just for me, it has also done the same for my PhotoReading clients.

PhotoReading Life Changing

I've been PhotoReading now for coming up 20 years and it still impresses me and blows my mind in amazement to this day.

The Investment that Keeps Paying Off

Here's to another 20 something years of incredible life changing moments for me and my past, present and future clients. A few years ago I put together a Blog so you can see how my students and Coaching clients have gotten on several years after taking the class: http://marilyndevonish.com/client-proof-1-3-years-later-photoreading-still-works/

Photoreading life changing

Join Us

To book your place on the next live Workshop go to: https://www.tranceformationstm.com/photoreading/

To take the global on-demand Video Webinar class go to: https://tranceformationstm.newzenler.com/courses/3-day-photoreading-webinar-workshop

For any early booking prices go to: https://secretofphotoreading.eventbrite.com

Marilyn Devonish
The #NeuroSuccess Coach

Contact Information

Email: marilyn@tranceformationstm.com

Main Website: https://www.tranceformationstm.com

Blog: https://marilyndevonish.com

Bookings & Free Consultations: https://bookme.name/marilyndevonish

Online Workshops and eLearning: https://tranceformationstm.newzenler.com

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Synchronicity Business Futurist Breakthrough Coaching Life Changing