Gary Vaynerchuk aka Gary Vee posted a video this week where he was in conversation with Michael Ovitz discussing his new book and Hollywood career, and where he attempts to answer the impossible question, "what is creativity"?
You can watch the clip below where Michael says it is almost impossible to answer.
My Take on Creativity 101
For me and my #PhotoReading Accelerated Learning and #NeuroSuccess Workshop attendees and Coaching clients I would say that creativity is the ability to look at old ideas in a new way; create something out of nothing and #TranceForm the seed of an idea, like the "one liner" example mentioned in the Gary Vee video. It is also the ability to tap into and use the left and right brain, engage your primary and secondary learning styles, and use as many of the 8+ Multiple Intelligences as you can.
The Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Part of the premise of both PhotoReading and Accelerated Learning is that of the Multiple Intelligences and your personal Learning Style. I teach the Workshop bringing all of them into play which is why even the most reluctant of teenage students who see reading as a "waste of time"; see the Blog link at the end of this post, can be miraculously TranceFormed and awakened to a range of possibilities a mere 2 days later when it comes to tapping into your mind and brain far more efficiently.
Mind. Blown.
It possibly sounds like a lot to take in however I had a very logical Pharmacologist attend my PhotoReading Workshop this weekend, and even with his detailed knowledge of the body and physiology, his mind was blown in terms of how quick and easy it is to do all of this when you know how.

When people are new to this work it is like both waking their brain, and learning how to effectively give the brain a strategic rest in order to have it work at optimum performance levels.
Newfound Energy Levels
People, even when they're not into the subject, always comment on my energy. I went from needing to sleep 12-15 hours a day just to drag my through the day to being able to sleep for just 3-4 hours a night and wake up feeling great, and it all changed when I flipped the switch and changed my mind set and the way I energised my brain and viewed my energy.
Gary Vee is also noted for his crazy energy.

Better Leverage of Your Time
I love the quote from Michael Ovitz in the Gary Vee interview where he is talking about movies like Tootsie and Rain Man. He says:
"So how do you define creativity; What is creativity? Now that question is almost impossible to answer; How does a film like Tootsie or Rain Man or Ghostbusters or Jurassic Park or Goodfellas, how do these movies get put together from a one line idea? So it's one line that's verbal, and you look down the road and 3 years later you're watching it in a movie theatre. I will never, till the day I disappear off the planet, never ever lose sight of what an extraordinary privilege it has been to be involved in that process. Learn the process, be involved with people that understand the process, and can actually transform an idea into something you can read see or hear."
In the creative space, as well as being able to "create something out of nothing" as I call it, you also tend to get much better leverage of your time which is why when using these skills you can go from "blank sheet of paper" to completed and launched event in just 8 hours, as discussed during the Practitioner Insider Secrets Workshop.

Join Us for the Global Online Workshop
Having finished the in-person Workshop a few days ago, I am running the whole PhotoReading Workshop again at the end of this month, this time via Global Video Webinar (a new creative idea to embrace the great technology we now have available). If you would like to next level your brain, business, and life skills, and next level your creativity sign up and join us. 💡 💫 💻 📱

It means you can take part anywhere in the world, from the comfort of your own office or home. To book your place CLICK HERE or go to:
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You can meet the "reading is boring" teenager here:
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