I've not yet had a public discussion on this one for the reasons I explained to Charles Virtue below, and responded to client questions directly about the now infamous Doreen Virtue AZ list of demonic practices (plus I was designing Keynote Presentations, doing Teleseminar interviews, launching a new Video Webinar Workshop and preparing for a funeral so didn't have time for online drama) and, as I also said to Charles, generally speaking I believe in each to their own.
As well as his view on the list I also share what Charles says about whether you should continue to use the Angel Tarot Oracle Cards together with my thoughts and current decision on this subject.
For those who don't know Charles he is Doreen Virtue's son.
"Wow - (Marilyn) I'd love to watch that video if you could post a link to it in the comments." Charles Virtue

The Angelic Elephant in the Room
I was delighted to see Charles Virtue had today responded to the list on his Instagram page because I definitely thought it was time to talk about the A-Z list. If you are a fan of Angels I highly recommend you follow him.

Let's Talk
I know everyone isn't on Instagram so my response to Charles, his full response to his mothers' list, and a link to the video I created which he asked to see is below.
Charles Virtue Full Instagram Post

My Response to Charles Virtue

Charles I am delighted you have addressed this issue, thank you. I've been teaching and working in the world of personal and spiritual development for the past 18 years and do many of the things on your mothers list including her Angel Tarot classes which I thoroughly enjoyed as a supplement to my first Tarot courses attended elsewhere in the late 1990s.
The list definitely would have scared me if I were just starting out and my life not been so dramatically transformed by NLP, Hypnosis, Past Life Regression, Huna, and many of the other 'A-Zs' I now Coach in and Teach.
Although I received messages asking me what I think I've not publicly commented on the list to honour my approach of "each to their own" that however does come with the proviso of "so long as you're not hurting anyone" so I filmed a video for my clients last week explaining my thoughts.
I have scanned your IG page a few times since the publication hoping you would address the growing elephant in the room.
It is disappointing to have someone so well respected and influential rubbishing the work so many of us do so I thank you for speaking up under what must be difficult circumstances given the family connection.
In my experience thus far with the 20+ modalities I've studied, all roads seem to lead us in the same direction; it's just the labels that are different, and if one finds their direction and joy via unicorns or yoga, Godspeed to them. I think there's room enough for a variety of faiths and beliefs. Marilyn 💖 😇
The Charles Virtue Video Request
I did a private video for my clients who got in touch to ask what I thought about the list and query whether it was genuine. Charles asked to see my video I have now made the link public and you can watch it by clicking the link below.

The Video Charles Asked to See
To watch the video that Charles asked to see go to: https://tranceformationstm.dubb.com/v/QpqiLe
There is also a link to read the Doreen Virtue AZ list for yourself on the video Dubb video player page if you want to read the whole article for yourself.
I will post a fuller response on YouTube. Subscribe to my channel for updates and notifications.
Should You Abandon Your Angel Cards?
Personally, although I will start to make much more use of the new Coaching Cards Deck I created, I also will continue to use the Angel Tarot because my clients love them and I enjoy Reading with them. As Charles also says on his Instagram page in response to this question:
"Please keep them! I still love the Healing With The Angels Oracle cards. They are still valid and powerful. Times may have changed - but the energy of those decks remains as it was when they were created."
How My Clients Have Experienced Angel Tarot
I left this one low key and mainly wrote this Blog to send to any of my contacts who were either scared, confused, angry, worried, in disbelief, or all of the above, about their Angel Tarot cards.
Weirdly, the one set of contacts or clients who haven't asked anything about it is those who take part in my monthly #TarotTuesday #FacebookLive Readings I do every month for my Membership Group which in and of itself speaks volumes for me. They have already seen Tarot in action month in, month out, so are clear in their mind where they stand.
Following the latest outburst on Facebook I've started to receive messages about it again so am posting it here in case you came across Doreen's post this morning and fell into the same boat.
You can read my client Tarot Tuesday Readings Comparison Blog here: http://marilyndevonish.com/the-spot-on-power-of-angel-tarot-is-amazing/
Feel free to like and share this post if you know others who would benefit from the conversation and alternative insights.
Marilyn Devonish
The NeuroSuccess Coach
Contact Information
Email: marilyn@tranceformationsTM.com
Website: http://www.tranceformationstm.com
Blog: http://marilyndevonish.com
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_neurosuccess_coach/
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