"I've loved it all, worth getting up for 5.30am!", Pippa Neve, Australia
With this Online Video Webinar Program I wanted to go beyond the Law of Attraction and go deep.
"Oh wow-za Marilyn, that was huge! HUGE!!!"

A New Global Way of Training and Connecting
On this day in 2018 I launched the first of my new online video webinar Training's, where I took my in-person Workshops and turned them into virtual events; Same content, only difference is participants attended from home from around the globe.
Last night I finished running my 10-Part Raising Your Money Vibration Video Webinar Series. I had attendees taking part live from Canada, Australia, Europe, UK, and America so the vision of a global class with attendees from around the world has been fully realised in testing the concept.
As one attendee put it:
"I've loved it all, worth getting up for 5.30am!" Pippa Neve, Pippa Neve Healing, Australia
Raising Your Money Vibration Attendee Feedback
Below is some of the feedback from last night's Webinar Session:
"Oh wow-za Marilyn, that was huge! HUGE!!!"
"Goodness me. I thought how strange, most of what you were saying was what I was thinking about before I logged in when meditating. This is one of the most powerful processes for me. Yes, please can I have a copy of the picture? Soul Plan webinar series coming up."
"Today was huge but I think realising that Money is not evil, it's the humans that use it to create evil, that really freed me."
I will continue to add feedback when I receive it so bookmark this page or save the link.
Is Online Learning and Transformation as Impactful and Powerful as In-Person?
Below is the feedback I received day day after we completed the 10-Part Series Online:
"I usually prefer classroom in person but this has really exceeded my expectations and I have no hesitation in recommending this programme ....... Be willing to suspend all disbelief and dive in." Winniefred T Carneiro, Wyns World Therapies, http://wynsworldtherapies.com/energy-vibrational-bathing-s…/
The current prices end today; Monday 30th September, if you want to dive in before the price rise.
Book now at: https://moneyvibration.eventbrite.com
About the Program
Program: 10-Part Raising Your Money Vibration Series
Platform: Online Video Webinar via BigMarker (see end of this Blog for a Free Intro Taster Session)
Running Time: Approx 22-Hours
Access: You have Lifetime Access
Marilyn Devonish
The NeuroSuccess Coach
My Intention & Pre-Launch Results
My intention in creating the Video Webinar Program was to have all participants, whether listening live or catching the recordings experience real and tangible shifts and changes. It happened straight out the gate before the Program had officially started:

The Power of Huna is Strong
I've also had incredible results over the years with the Remote Huna Energy Clearings.

Huna Experiential: From One to Many

Whether listening online via my mp3 downloads, watching the Video Webinar replays, or sitting in a room with 500+ other people, Huna always delivers. For a taster you can download free Huna and Access Consciousness Energy Clearing mp3's from my website: https://www.tranceformationstm.com/resources.php
Get Started As Soon As Today
The 10 Module Series is now up and ready viewing if you missed the live Sessions. Go to: https://www.bigmarker.com/series/raising-your-money-vibration/series_details
You have instant on-demand and lifetime access to the material.
Our Starting Point

We had a lot of ground to cover in terms of limiting beliefs, negative emotions, old programming, family and ancestral ties and beliefs, and old habits, judgements and limitations.
It's Not Where You Start It's Where You Finish

I will add more feedback as I go back through the Webinar Chat and collate. A taster is below:
"Marilyn, kudos to you here, we grew by 300% since last year." A client who completed the 28-Day Money Breakthrough eCoaching Program, the 1-Day Money Breakthrough Session, and was partway through the Raising Your Money Vibration Video Webinar Series.
Compared to their less than £1000 investment to cover all 3 Programs; they got in at the early booking prices, those are BIG RESULTS and an impressive ROI.
"POWERFUL Clearing Session. Marilyn YOU Rock!!!"
"I saw all pathways flowing to me"
"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much Marilyn. You're amazing, as ever!!!!!!!" Pxs
"Access Consciousness & Huna Clearing. BIG CHANGE!!"
"Absolutely loved that meditation! Very much looking forward to doing it again. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" (The beauty of this Program is you can revisit the information again if you want to go deeper or repeat a Process for a different issue).
Productivity and business ideas and creativity have speeded up and have more flow since joining the Program:
"I needed to find a new way to market my program and I'm feeling that this current direction has some flow - feels right - like I created the sales page pretty fast - stuff like that."
"Yeah I'm making decisions faster - love that."
Perspective on life and business and self-value has changed:
"Not willing to settle for less in my life on many levels...especially with regards to my work in whichever field I operate in... I have much greater self value and regard."
"Also voiced my intention to build a xxxxxx biz to an accountability group which I would never have done before and also breaking it down to make it happen."
Prefer Written Daily Exercises?
If you prefer written daily eCoaching Exercises you can also sign up for the 28-Day Money Breakthrough Program: http://bit.ly/moneytm
"I have just completed my first round of the Money Breakthrough Exercise. Thank you for sending it to me.
I came up with a practical idea to increase my income and by following all the steps, my mindset definitely altered. The idea of keeping a £50 to trigger positive memories about success with money and inspire positive ideas was VERY powerful - what a reframe
I will carry out the action steps this week and let you know the results"
WOW! That was based on just 2 of the 28 Daily eCoaching Exercises.
"Morning Marilyn, I had a super day yesterday, thank you so much. I feel so much more relaxed about money now. I am so tired though. You are so amazing. I have became a fan of yours now and would be recommending you to everyone. I want to do the photo reading now in May. lets hope that I will. If you do anything new, I want to be one of the first one to try. This is just amazing.thanks a million. Sending you lots of love and light.xx"
"Hi Marilyn,
Little update on the finances, for the first time in 4 years both my business and personal bank accounts have + above 0 balances!!!!! It is major! I am really happy I reached this first milestone and I am sure it wouldn't have happened without your great support.
Next milestones are to clear all debts and the make this positive balance climb to over £5K per month in business and in the personal one save for a deposit on an apartment in London (my main residence will remain X with my boyfriend, but a London solid base will give me peace of mind and a work base too).
Just though I would share my happy news from today ;-)
Thank you,"
Want to Sign Up for Both?
You can temporarily use this link if you want to sign up for both the 10-Part Video Webinar Series and the 28-Day eCoaching Program: https://paypal.me/marilyndevonish/310 Current price outside of this combo opportunity is £444 for both Programs.

"I recommend this programme it does MORE than what it says on the tin :) " Ammana Shaka
New Online Workshops and Programs
As the new online Video Webinar Workshops, Programs, and Workshops roll out I'll be adding them here: http://bit.ly/marilynwebinarseries
With the exception of the 3-Day Online PhotoReading Video Webinar Certification Course can also make a 'Combo Purchase' if there are titles you're interested in.
Free Intro Taster Session
To checkout the platform yourself you can view a taster session at: https://www.bigmarker.com/tranceformations-tm/Raising-Your-Money-Vibration-Intro-Webinar You shouldn't need to register, just press play.
Contact Information
Email: marilyn@tranceformationstm.com
Main Website: https://www.tranceformationstm.com
Blog: https://marilyndevonish.com
Free Pre-Booking Consultation: https://bookme.name/marilyndevonish