Would you rather spend £250 or £4000? A nerve damage problem she's had for 42 years was resolved after just one Session. I also had the same experien...
Her chronic pain disappeared within minutes of the first 30-minute Session: "Marilyn I had to call you. The pain on my hip and right side has gone fro...
I've been asked where to begin on a journey of change, transformation, letting go, or starting again so I have compiled my top picks in terms of what...
Do any of these 7 things apply to you? This is an idea my friends have benefitted from for years if not decades. They talk, and while they talk I sho...
What does the thought of "soul urge" conjure up for you and would you like a free Numerology Reading? Soul Urge - Comprises 20% of your energy and re...
The Marilyn Devonish Gregg Braden Interview - A growing body of scientific evidence has overturned 150 years of thinking when it comes to our origin,...
FROM BLANK SCREEN TO COMPLETED COACHING CARDS DECK IN LESS THAN 48-HOURS "There's not enough time because it's already Saturday afternoon. It will ta...
This tiny example highlights one of the reasons why you can read at speeds upwards of 25,000 words per minute and PhotoRead an entire book in 5 minute...
This unexpected piece of Mediumship during my Facebook live left me almost lost for words and that takes some doing. I was trying out my new 'Banksy'...
"Wow! This is a simple yet incredibly powerful and liberating skill to have that transforms and skyrockets the ability to absorb and recall informatio...